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The Dupe
Institute of Contemporary Arts

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The Dupe. dir. Kate Davis, UK 2021, 3 min. 7 sec.

Digital technology has extended our agency beyond time and space. The fluidity of embodiment means we are no longer confined to our ‘organic’ bodies, but rather exist through and across interactions of multiple media. These digital environments give rise to a new form of subjectivity that raises questions about identity, ownership, and consent. The Dupe is an experimental dance film that invites you to think: when does playfulness and exploration become about power and control?
Director & Producer: Kate Davis
Creative Producer: Phillip Warnell (The Visible Institute at Kingston School of Art)
Dancers: Holly Brogan and Ben Todd-Jones
Cinematographer: Scott Buxton
Choreographer: Jade Brider
Editor: Daniel Hearn
This work was produced for New Creatives, supported by Arts Council England and BBC Arts.
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